YaGee Multi-Functioning Desk Accessory!

Who has a goal this year to get organized, simplify, or minimize their lives? If you said, "ME!", then I have the best desk accessory for you. Click here to SHOP the YaGee Dry Erase HERE!
My office has NEVER included clutter and I mean ever.  I may have a few hours where it is messy because I am knee deep in a project, but clutter or 24/7 mess is not a part of my vocabulary.  As a matter of fact, it's quite the opposite that you may think I actually have NO business, rather than run (4) businesses.  LOL! NOPE! Just a self professing organization freak.  
While I cannot take credit for this find, I can claim to own it.  My husband, the GOAT of gift giving, gave this gift to me for Christmas and I just began using it LAST NIGHT.
Let's dive into this cool gadget because there is A LOT to it.  First off, it is an ergonomical way to type.  You can utilize it to set your keyboard on and have it raised to a safe position, easing your wrists from damage aka carpal tunnel.  The "base" comes in either black or pink.  Darren chose PINK for me. It flows perfectly in my office upstairs. I will most likely be using a laptop or oversized iPad in my Big Girl office, so I will not need this down there.  
Second, it arrives with a DOUBLE sided, white, dry erase board.  This dry erase board is ALSO removable.  Keep it on the stand OR place in on your desk top.  Now, your keyboard and your white board have options.  
I love the way it makes my desk look that much more fashionable.  Hehe. 

Third, one of my FAVORITE features is the "hidden" drawer.  This storage space LITERALLY cleared up an entire desk drawer in my office. I store my washi tape, paper clips, post its, pencil sharpener, mini stapler, staples, and clips! 
If your desk is typically messy, you truly can take it from clutter to STUD-der! Now there is NO excuses for your desk to look like someone came in like a wrecking ball. I would have shown you my before and after, but again, I don't have clutter in my home. I cannot function on dysfunction.  
Aren't my office supplies BOMB! And of course, they have to be in ROY G. BIV. fashion.  
The are supplies I use often, but not enough to utilize a major office drawer to store these items in.  
Paper clips made for a LipBoss or lipstick lover.  Aren't the perfect?
Just incase you are curious about sizing, I got you covered below.  It is perfectly compact and fits beautifully right in front of your computer.  
Here is one last peak if you need one!
Please remember, shop my LINKS. I will continue sharing and blogging these fabulous finds ONLY if Amazon keeps me.  Amazon keeps me when I hit certain benchmarks aka when people BUY via my links.  Don't be a terd. IF you see it here, BUY IT here.  Please and thank you! I only share what I love, but I won't take the time to share if I am not compensated for it. This is the way our world now operates.  

Other last minute COOL features include: anti slip pads on the bottom of the base, arrives with two dry erase markers that are MAGNETIC and magnetize to the white board in addition to an eraser, offers a paper free desk environment, wonderful for a man or a woman.  

Thank you Darren for a really amazing gift!