Large Family Homeschool Life – Week 8 of 2022

Raising Arrows
Large Family Homeschool Life – Week 8 of 2022

Learning about early American history, eating wild game, and getting started on our garden were highlights of this homeschool week!

Learning about early American history, eating wild game, and getting started on our garden were highlights of this homeschool week!

Read all of the Large Family Homeschool Life posts HERE!


This weekend, we took a trip to visit Megan at college, so this morning I took some time to get the house back in order.

For Morning Time, we did our Quiet Time study from Not Consumed, and then read about Lewis & Clark in Story of the World and A New Nation.

We also learned about Kentucky with Music in Our Homeschool’s State Songs of the 50 States.

Then, we read in Justin Morgan Had a Horse. After that, I got Creed (9) set up on his new level of Teaching Textbooks!

READ >> Review of Teaching Textbooks 4.0

I had a quick lunch and then ran out to grocery shop. I started at the tea shop because I am running low on German Holiday tea and lemon curd. Then I went to Aldi and spent $277 on groceries there – which is pretty good! Anything under $300 is a win for me. We didn’t need any meat and I didn’t have a lot of items I needed to stock up on. Thankfully, Aldi has been better stocked these last couple of weeks, so I’m able to get most things I need, even if the prices are up.

When I got home, the kids helped me transplant herbs to bigger containers and then we started the seeds I got from Botanical Interests. Is it weird that I purchased seeds from there solely [almost] based on how happy the botanical drawings made me feel?! And…the price is great too! *wink wink*

Shockingly, it was 70° today, so I was outside barefoot while we worked!

That evening for dinner, Melia (17) made Creamed Pheasant. I had thawed about 4 pheasants worth of meat, which ended up making 2 skillets – just the right amount to feed us!

Ty and I took a walk to take advantage of the lovely weather, then I gave the girls a bath. They wanted to “cook” again in the tub, so I gathered up some whisks and bowls and measuring spoons. They loved it!

That night, I separated off my sourdough for pancakes in the morning, and for the first time since I started this process, I put my starter in the refrigerator! I’m going to kind of miss feeding my “pet” every morning and night!


This morning, I made sourdough pancakes for breakfast on my Lodge Cast Iron griddle pan. I know I’ve said this a million times, but I sure do love this thing, and I’m so glad I found one at Lehman’s!

For Morning Time, we did our Quiet Time study, then learned about Tennessee via the State Songs class. Then, we read about the Supreme Court and Monticello, ending with a chapter from Justin Morgan.

I went out to lunch and coffee with a friend. Some of my kids are going to be dog sitting for her family’s dog next month, so after we ate, I picked up my kids and we went to her house to get the rundown for taking care of her Weimaraner. He’s a funny dog who thinks he’s a person!

Since we were already on post where she lives, we went to the PX to shop for shoes for some of the kids. We managed to find all of the tennis shoes we needed, but none of the dress shoes. I’ll have to keep looking for those.

That night, we had nachos and I had mine with roasted cauliflower as a base instead of chips.

The older kids went to the movies for a friend’s birthday, and Mercy had her Special Night. She had chocolate ice cream and a Brazilian Limeade.

That evening, I also graded Melia’s Consumer Math, got 2 podcasts ready to publish, and answered some emails.


I had 3 apples that were going soft, so I decided to make apple fritters for breakfast. I probably should have made something healthier, but it had been a while since I made these, so it was a fun treat!

Keian had gotten up early to make oatmeal raisin cookies for Youth Group tonight. He works today and then goes straight to Youth Group from work, so he has to bake early in the morning if he wants to bring treats.

During Morning Time we did our Bible study, then learned about the Ohio State song, and also listened to music from the Romantic Era (also from Music in Our Homeschool). We read about abolitionists in England and finished Justin Morgan Had a Horse!

Then, I helped the little girls with their handwriting, math, and phonics. Aspen is reading a book about Benjamin Franklin, which dovetailed perfectly with our history lessons!

I ate my lunch while watching the Coffee Chat for my Homesteading Family Membership. It inspired me to work on my eating habits a little more than I have been.

I took some time this afternoon to read in Prairie Kitchen Sampler (such a fun book!) and Joel Salatin’s Folks, This Ain’t Normal. (also a good book!). Isn’t it funny how different books and resources interest you at different times in your life?

For dinner, we had Chipotle Bowls – which are basically rice bowls with beans and chicken, salsa, and other goodies. We also had canned peaches and pickle chips in the Ninja Foodi. (Another kitchen helper I am so glad I purchased!)

Tonight, I watched the news and weather online, and couldn’t help but think I’m turning into my parents!


We went from 70’s on Monday to SNOW today! That’s the way the entire winter has been! Up and down in temp, from sunshine to snow in a matter of days, sometimes hours!

I love snow, so I relished a cup of coffee and did my Bible Study in the living room where I could enjoy the snow falling. Then, I tidied up the living room and ended up making out a Chore Board for the kids to do. I almost think I ought to start doing this again on a more regular basis.

READ & WATCH >> How to Make a Chore Board (I am one seriously pregnant mama in this video!)

How to Make Chores Easy with a Chore Board! Works great for families with only small children, homeschooling families, large families, or busy moms for whatever reason!

Morning Time was our usual Bible study, and study of Louisiana state songs. We also read about James Madison and did a president card for him. (We use the President bookmarks from NotebookingPages to make our president cards.)

We also read about Tecumseh and started our new read-aloud – Swiss Family Robinson. I originally thought we’d begin Farmer Boy next, but then decided to read this book first. However, it is quite long, and I borrowed it from Hoopla Digital via our library, which means I am reading from my computer – not my favorite thing to do. We’ll see if I manage to get through it all.

I helped the kids with their schoolwork while listening with one ear to President Biden’s press conference on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Seems so unbelievable to me.

Aspen did Reading Eggs on the app on my phone, and the boys started Night Zookeeper – an online Language Arts program I am trying out. The boys were pretty excited to get started! (I will have a full review coming the end of March!)

After tidying up the kitchen, I decided I am NOT happy with how Table Chores have been going lately. They are not getting done in a timely manner, so after much thought, I decided I need to have the same person unload and reload the dishwasher and then have a different person wash the extra dishes that cannot go in the dishwasher. I think this would help get the jobs done more efficiently. We’ll try this in March.

READ >> Children’s Chores for the Kitchen and Dining Room

I took some time to watch the new monthly Homemaking Mentor Membership coming soon! This membership is from the same people who put on the homemaking conference I participate in nearly every year. The membership sounds really awesome with 20+ full homemaking courses and 117 individual videos, with more coming! CHECK IT OUT HERE!

Then, I helped the little girls put together their Usborne Slot-Together Victorian Dollhouse. The boys ended up coming in and taking over the building process. The girls were so excited to have the boys join in!

Dinner was homemade pizza (we use this Quick Pizza Dough recipe!) and Caesar salad and mandarin oranges. It is also popcorn and movie night! While everyone watched a movie, I worked on my grocery list because I will probably shop this weekend – even though I really do not like to go when everyone is out shopping too.


I got up early this morning to get Friday cleaning chores going because I am meeting Ty at the university to drop off 4 of the kids with him for the weekend. He is going to another military installation and then on to our hometown to do some business and see family. I will only have 3 kids here with me – the 17 year old, 16 year old, and the 5 year old! It will be so strange to have so few people in the house!

That afternoon, Mercy (5) and I took the big kids to work at the bee farm. On our way, we bought gas for $3.10. The price of gasoline sky-rocketed overnight here…and everywhere I am sure. At the bee farm, I purchased some beeswax taper candles and another bottle of honey. The owner gave Mercy 2 honey sticks for being so good while she and I talked…and talked…and talked.

When I got home, I took care of my plants and new seed starts. Then, I made 3 loaves of bread and threw some leftovers from the fridge into the freezer for a future meal because people just aren’t eating them as leftovers. They will be like brand new when I pull them out again!

That night, the four of us watched Scooby Doo, and Mercy went to bed in my room. That’s what happens when Daddy isn’t home!

Large Family Homeschool Life – Week 8 of 2022