Jump 1 Review

I have a fun math card game to share with you today from Timberdoodle, Jump 1.  Jump 1 is manufactured by Melon Rind and is a 2-4 player game geared for ages 4 and up.  Each game is ~ 15 minutes or less.

What's included in our game?  Our game contains 66 cards and 2 sets of rules.  There are 2 ways to play this game - Fast & Furious or Cool & Clever.  You essentially have 2 games in one!

 Above you can see what the cards look like.

All the frog cards

What's the object of this game?  Be the first player to get rid of all your cards, that's it!

How do you play?  Both versions of the game are set up similarly.  Let me walk you through both games.

Cool & Clever:  Set up the game by taking one card from the deck and placing it face down in the center between players.  Deal the remaining cards face down creating an equal stack for every player.  After all the cards are dealt, players will take the top 5 cards from their stack and look at them in their hand.  The first player will turn over the center card and begin play.  The first player can play a card with 1 more or 1 less than the number on the card.  So if the card is a 4, player 1 may play a 3 or a 5.  Player 1 can play as many cards as possible from the 5 cards in their hand.  Afterwards, their turn is over and they will replenish their hand back to 5 from their pile.  If they cannot play any cards from their hand, they will draw 1 card from their stack and their turn ends.  It is the next players turn.  Also, watch out for frog cards!  A frog card may be played at any time during your turn and any number can be played on a frog card so it's essentially a wild card.  The first player to get rid of all their cards wins!

Fast & Furious:   Set up the game by taking two cards from the deck and placing them face up in the center between players.  Deal the remaining cards face down creating an equal stack for every player.  After all the cards are dealt, players will take the top 5 cards from their stack and look at them in their hand.  To start the game, players say ready go and begin.  Immediately players play cards from their hands on either of the two center cards.  Again, you may play a card with 1 more or 1 less than the number on the card.  If the center card is a 10, players may play a 1 or a 9.  Anytime a player has less than 5 cards in their hand, they can replenish from their stack.  A player may play a frog card on either pile and any time but only the person that played the frog card can place another card on top of it.  The first player to get rid of all their cards wins!  This is a much faster paced game than the first.

The kids really like this game.  It is super easy to play, it's short and it's fun!  I love that it helps reinforce simple math facts for younger kids.  And it's pretty awesome that there are multiple ways to play.  If you are looking for a math related game for your youngster, we definitely recommend Jump 1 🐸.

Disclosure:  Huge shout out to Timberdoodle for selecting me as a Timberdoodle Blogger.  I received Jump 1 in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.