Japanese kid turns dad’s retro game collection into awesome Dragon Quest clock【Photos】

Because no matter what time it is, it’s always time for Dragon Quest, right?

There have been a lot of Dragon Quest games over the years. The series got started back in 1986 and served as the spark that truly ignited Japanese gamers’ love for the RPG genre, and the steady stream of ensuing sequels is now up to Dragon Quest XI, which came out in 2017.

As a long-time fan of the series, Japanese Twitter user @DQaka_pupupusun owns all of the mainline Dragon Quest games. The problem with a collection of such envious size, though, is finding a way to display it.

@DQaka_pupupusun, though, has found a brilliant, and beautiful, solution: use the games’ boxes to make a Dragon Quest clock in his living room.

Actually, it was @DQaka_pupupusun’s son, who’s currently in the third grade, who came up with this clever idea. Like most elementary school kids in Japan, his summer vacation homework included having to do some sort of self-selected hands-on learning project, and he decided he wanted to make this Dragon Quest clock. Figuring the design and building phases would require math and woodworking skills, @DQaka_pupupusun said OK, and the father and son got to work.

▼ Design documents

You might have noticed, though, that there are two blank slots in the above photo of the clock. That’s because @DQaka_pupupusun still plays the games, and so whichever ones are currently in use will be missing from the clock until he pops the cartridge or disc back out of the system and replaces the package.

But with the highest-numbered game in the series so far being Dragon Quest XI, how does @DQaka_pupupusun’s son account for 12 o’clock? By giving that spot to the two Dragon Quest Heroes spinoff games, i.e. Dragon Quest Heroes I and II.

Twitter users have been quick to express their admiration and jealousy, leaving comments like:

“Pure artistic vision on display.”
“You son is a genius.”
“I totally want a clock like this.”
“I wanna do something like this with the Final Fantasy games, but I’d need to somehow make space for Hope [from FF XIII] and Noctis [FF XV].”
“It’s cool that you have the original releases! But I’m guessing you have the Ultimate Hits reissue for Dragon Quest VII, right?”

▼ Nope, he’s got the now-rare original version of VII too.

@DQaka_pupupusun says he’s happy to see his son’s idea bringing joy to so many people, and he plans to pass all the compliments on to the kid. Tell him “Awesome idea!” from us too, @DQaka_pupupusun, and we’re looking forward to an updated photo after the now-in-development Dragon Quest XII comes out.

Source: Twitter/@DQaka_pupupusun via IT Media
Top image: SoraNews24
Insert images: Twitter/@DQaka_pupupusun (1, 2)
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