Have you heard the news?!?
SALE at Teachers Pay Teachers
Have you heard the news? The Teachers Pay Teachers site-wide sale is happening on Tuesday, February 4th and Wednesday, February 5th.
All resources will be 20% off, plus an additional 5% off with the code FEBSALE.
Check out my store here!
I broke down my FAVORITE products by grade level!
2nd Grade Faves
3rd Grade Faves
4th Grade Faves
5th Grade Faves
Here are some items that you may be interested in adding to your wishlist:
Grammar for Google Classroom
This year-long digital unit will make a usually tedious topic fun and engaging to students! Use these as a no-prep literacy center for the entire year! It covers topics like nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, abbreviations, conjunctions, statements, questions, and so much more! The colors are bright and clear, and it reinforces skills learned all year that can be difficult to fit in to your day.
Literature circle for Google Classroom
My world of literature circles completely changed when I realized how easy that literature circles could be if they were made digital using Google Classroom. This resource will make your literature circles no-prep, paperless- and even MORE engaging. You need to check this out!
My world of literature circles completely changed when I realized how easy that literature circles could be if they were made digital using Google Classroom. This resource will make your literature circles no-prep, paperless- and even MORE engaging. You need to check this out!
Math for 3rd Grade Common Core Google Classroom bundle
These math centers will cover your entire school year. Create a technology station during your math block and dramatically reduce your prep time for the whole year – you are done! These digital math centers cover every 3rd-grade Common Core standard and are perfect for daily spiral review all year long.
These math centers will cover your entire school year. Create a technology station during your math block and dramatically reduce your prep time for the whole year – you are done! These digital math centers cover every 3rd-grade Common Core standard and are perfect for daily spiral review all year long.
Reading for Google Classroom BUNDLE
This best-seller is a game-changer if you want to cut your prep time down in half while increasing student engagement. Students can practice their reading skills and strategies via Google Classroom. These resources include activities to practice skills, such as sorting types of author’s purpose and sequencing items. It also includes many graphic organizers that you can use again and again with any text for strategies like comparing, inferring, and summarizing.
Science interactive notebook BUNDLE (3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade)
Make learning hands-on and meaningful with these interactive notebook foldables and resources. Not only will these resources guide your lessons, but it provides activities that are engaging and interesting to kids. It is a win-win!
Also available in Google Classroom form for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade
Also available in Google Classroom form for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade
Social studies interactive notebook BUNDLE (2nd grade, 3rd grade)
Social studies content can be dry and we often find that we lack time to teach it. Decrease your prep work while increasing student engagement with these interactive notebook foldables and resources!
Social studies content can be dry and we often find that we lack time to teach it. Decrease your prep work while increasing student engagement with these interactive notebook foldables and resources!
I have four ways to prepare for the sale!
Earn TPT credits by leaving feedback (credits = free money!):
- Login to your TpT account and leave feedback on resources you have previously purchased. For every dollar you spend on TpT, you’ll earn 1 credit that can be used on future purchases!
Buy from your wishlist:
- Browse TPT and add items to your wishlist so you remember which products catch your eye. If you have a terrible memory (like me!), it can be so easy to forget about an item that would be perfect in your classroom. There’s nothing worse than remembering that you wanted a specific product until after the sale!
Shop with bundles:
- Bundles already save so much money (my bundles range from 20-35% off year-round). During the sale I discount them an additional 20% off – which is a HUGE savings!
- Remind your teacher friends so they don’t miss out!
Feel free to email me at Kelly@GlitterinThird.com if you have any questions about certain products or resources. I am more than happy to help!
The post Have you heard the news?!? appeared first on Glitter in Third.