Counting Game for a Math Warm Up - Little Mouse
Did you get my new screen wallpaper newsletter? I hope your students are happy. to see mouse each morning on your board!
Here is a math warm up (and listening game) idea for you to use along with it, point out the mouse and house on the screen before you play.
Shhh Little Mouse (listen to count)
- tell students mouse is on his way to the house
- ask them to listen as he makes his way
- as he travels along a path they will hear him tread on little round stepping stones
- ask them to count how many stepping stones he takes (let them hear you sound the numbers - clap, drop a counter in a container etc)
- ask them to close their eyes and listen as you count
- they tell you the number
- challenge them to count quietly in their mind as you make each sound
- count by 2s, 5s, 10s (each stone is worth more)
- ask them to double the total they hear before they call
- ask then to write the number on a whiteboard