9th Grade Homeschool Curriculum 2022-2023

My middle son loves the great indoors. He’s an introvert who’d rather hunker down at home than be anywhere else. Loves legos. Reading. Legos. Writing. And did I mention Legos? He can be lured outside with the promise of a vintage car show, an impromptu game of PIG under the basketball hoop, or a one-on-one at the tennis court up the street. He has a knack for memorizing song lyrics, has a lot to say about the latest book he’s reading, and has an abiding love for tabasco sauce.

He's starting high school this year. Using the Brave High School Record Keeping for Homeschoolers guide, I put a 4-year-plan together for his final years. Here's what he'll be learning in 9th grade.

Since we only homeschool 4-days a week, you can assume that each of these subjects will only be covered four times each week unless otherwise indicated.

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Content-rich Subjects

As always, he'll do all of his content-rich subjects like Morning time/Bible, history, art, and creative writing with his other siblings. You can see those curriculum choices here>>>

Personal Devotions- every day

Language Arts

  • One Year Adventure Novel- This is a writing program that will help a child create the bones of a novel by the end of the year. Although it does contain a gentle grammar component, it is not as solid in grammar skills as other programs. The emphasis is on writing which is what I want to focus on for my son who already has excellent grammar skills and who has aspirations of being a novelist. 
  • Finish All About Spelling level 7.
  • Read for pleasure. (every day) I will gather a list of titles including those on my High School Must Read list for him to choose from each month. (Vetting titles in bulk is a great way to provide some helpful discernment while still offering a tween/teen a choice in their reading selection.)



Life Skills/Extra-Curricular Subjects

  • Continue with his mechanic apprenticeship - a couple of weeknights and/or Saturdays a month
  • Mow the lawn or shovel the snow as needed for an Airbnb in our neighborhood
  • Clean his room and make his bed each day.
  • Daily chores: sweep the kitchen, rinse the dinner dishes, sort the laundry in the laundry room
  • Weekly Chores for his child-of-the-day privileges and responsibilities: help make lunch/dinner and do two loads of laundry (Tuesdays)
  • Monthly Chores: three chores that he randomly selects from our chore jar one Saturday each month

Co-operative Learning

Twice a month, he'll attend the homeschool co-op that I lead and participate in two enrichment classes each semester for a total of four for the 2022-2023 school year. In addition, he'll be able to join in on several field trips offered by the group.

His first-semester co-op classes will be as follows:
  • Human Anatomy with Weights and Exercise
  • Career Exploration

Ninth grade is the beginning of the end of my son's homeschool journey. I've no doubt he'll launch into high school well and that the next nine months will prove to be a great training ground for his writing dreams.