114 Funny Test Answers That Deserve An A+ For Humor (New Pics)
We feel that humor and wit are seriously underrated at schools. Creativity and comedy should be rewarded with top grades, trophies, parades, and endless pizza at the cafeteria. At least, that’s how we feel.
Pretty much everyone’s been in a situation where we’re sitting in the classroom, scratching our heads, trying to figure out a question that just darn doesn’t make any sense. Some students don’t want to guess blindly or leave the question unanswered, though. Instead, they summon their courage and write out a witty response that is technically correct but might take the teacher completely by surprise.
Our team at Bored Panda has collected some of the funniest test answers that kids have ever written to boost your mood and remind you just how powerful thinking outside the box really is.
Pssst, Pandas, over here! Careful, make sure the teacher can’t see you. We’ve got a whole bunch of other genius and hilarious test answers to share with you. When you’ve finished upvoting your fave pics in this list, take a peek at Bored Panda’s earlier post right over here (hey, no copying!).
#1 My Mom Found One Of My Old Tests From Almost 20 Years Ago
Image credits: Vascular_D
#2 My Son's Best Answer This Week
Image credits: din7
#3 My Sister Teaches 5th Grade. Nice Try, Jackie
Image credits: robbiefreeze
A lot depends on the specific teacher who set your child’s test. If they’re more easy-going, they might actually appreciate the out-of-the-box thinking and witty answers. However, someone stricter, who feels that there’s only one ‘right’ way to answer any question might end up scolding your kid and giving them a bad grade.
There’s also a lot to be said about the type of school you send your children to. Whether or not the institution values creativity or rote memorization will depend not only on the teachers hired to work there, but also on the principal and local superintendent, how the PTA deals with things, and what the overall philosophy of the school board might be.
#4 Sounds About Right
Image credits: PizzaSaucez
#5 The Answer From A Guy In My Class On A Geology Exam
Image credits: bahalolitsokay
#6 How To Make Original Answer
Image credits: ANTONIN118
There definitely has to be at least some structure throughout the school day. You can’t just let your kids run completely free, doing whatever they want, without care, for years on end. Though there are schools like that and it’s up to every family to decide what’s best for their loved ones, generally speaking, there has to be a healthy balance between freedom and discipline.
Guidance from teachers and an expectation to follow the rules aren’t necessarily bad things, so long as they don’t try to limit their students’ expression and creativity for no good reason.
#7 My 8-Year-Old Son Takes His Homework Directions Literally
Image credits: EddieLomax
#8 Debatable. But Still A Good Answer
Image credits: novapunkX
#9 Who Are You Who Is So Wise In The Ways Of Science
Image credits: game_end_melol
Plenty of you Pandas have probably felt firsthand what it means to successfully one-up your teacher… and how bitter some of them get. If you correct your teacher in front of the class or tell a joke, you’re basically flipping a coin. The more empathetic educators will probably laugh along with you, thank you for your observations, or even start a discussion with the class about how, hey, not everyone knows all the answers.
#10 My Wife Is A Teacher And Found This While Marking An Assessment
Image credits: jimmypompom
#11 Provide An Example Of A Risk
Image credits: jackrunbackwards
#12 This Kid
Image credits: Bobbyrp
However, someone who feels that their authority is being undermined (usually, they have low self-esteem) might punish the students who ‘dare’ to stand out. They might give them worse grades, for example. Or try to trip them up in various ways, like assigning extra homework, more tests, or extremely draining coursework. If this is an ongoing issue, the parents definitely need to get involved and have a chat about the situation. No bullying—by an adult no less!—should be tolerated.
#13 Answer: Hot Dog
Image credits: Joz2323
#14 My 6-Year-Old Got The Answer Wrong, But I Think She's Right
Image credits: whitlgr
#15 My Little Cousin Nails A Test Question
Image credits: davidehg
Now that’s not to say that students should be free to disrupt the class all day, every day with their sass. Humor is great in small doses. However, it loses its charm when the class clown has to have the spotlight on them in every single class. There’s got to be a bit of mutual respect between the students and their teachers here. Having fun in class is perfectly fine, so long as you actually manage to learn something and don’t take away the opportunity to study from your fellow classmates.
#16 They're Not Wrong
Image credits: MATR1XT3R
#17 Give This Guy A Medal
Image credits: Simons778
#18 Honesty In My Son's Homework
Image credits: LucentPhoenix
Interpersonal skills, feeling comfortable and confident in front of a crowd, quick-wittedness and the ability to improvise under pressure, thinking in ways that others don’t, your general amiability—these are fantastic skills to have for any kid or grownup.
A large part of your success in life comes down to how you communicate with people. Being charming and spreading smiles are useful tools in your arsenal no matter what career you choose. However… that might not be enough.
Ideally, you should support your strong social skills with a good amount of knowledge in a few areas, whether that’s science, humanities, the arts, or something else. Sometimes you actually do have to find out what the angle of a specific triangle is, not just be able to talk your way out of the entire situation. Especially when it comes to more technically-minded careers.
#19 Wrote This In 1st Grade, Didn’t Realize How Smart I Was
Image credits: ox232
#20 My 8-Year-Old Cousin's Homework
Image credits: imgur.com
#21 Comrade Stalin Liked That
Image credits: _Kjaxs_
Some time ago, Professor Lisa McLendon, from the University of Kansas, shared a few thoughts with Bored Panda about how educators can motivate their students. She pointed out that there are two parts to inspiring your students to aim for the stars.
"One, give them a solid foundation to build their skills and knowledge on, so they’ll be able to succeed at whatever they choose to pursue," the professor told us.
"Two, give them support and encouragement—and the benefit of your own network, if possible—to help them get where they want to be," she shared that educators have the power to help their students build a solid foundation for a future career.
#22 Potentially The Best Answer My Daughter Has Ever Given On A Worksheet
Image credits: Ms_Sugarbaker
#23 I Have A Tradition With My Teacher To Draw Each Other Memes On The Exams, So Here Is Another One
Image credits: Smoothie-criminal
#24 How To Pass An Exam
Image credits: musicstruggles1
"Lots of people don’t get there [where they want to be in life] right away, or end up somewhere else completely, and if students see how others have navigated their career paths, it helps instill some patience and also an openness to other possible pathways," the professor said that educators have the ability to support their students through their highs and lows. Encouragement goes a long way, whether or not someone’s still studying or has already graduated.
#25 My Brother's Math Test
Image credits: atkid007
#26 The Answer To This Question
Image credits: RavelOnePiece
#27 These Tests Are Getting Easier And Easier
Image credits: blokkiesam
"Relating concepts and skills to real-world activities can help many students understand not just what they’re doing but why. Explaining the purpose of big-picture things like a whole course as well as small things like individual assignments can help students understand why what they’re doing is relevant. Also, putting concepts and skills into the larger field can help students contextualize what they’re doing and see how it relates to things they’ve done before and things they’ll be doing at the next level," Profesor McLendon said.
#28 My Son Is One Of "Those" Kids
Image credits: makenzie71
#29 I’d Say This Was The Correct Answer
Image credits: CeleryHater
#30 My Cousin Is A Teacher, And Posted This Today
Image credits: MrsJordanHarris
How an educator should give feedback will depend a lot on their students. For instance, some might want simple and direct feedback. Others might prefer a more diplomatic, subtle approach.
One way to let a student know that they might want to put more effort into their schoolwork is using the ‘sandwich method.’ “Tell the student something good about their work (bread), tell them how something could be better (filling), then tell them something else good, either about their work or about your confidence in their ability to do it (bread)," the professor told Bored Panda.
#31 My Sister's English Homework
Image credits: Haramb3_eSports
#32 My Son, The Patriot
Image credits: imgur.com
#33 Kid's Take On Tornado Safety
Image credits: patsfan94
#34 This Is The Best Answer I’ve Ever Seen
Image credits: AlexBrior
#35 Answer On An English Exam Paper
Image credits: JrsSdx
#36 One Of My Friends Just Sent Me Her Kid's Homework. After The Answer At The Bottom, I Realize This Kid Is Going Places
Image credits: Haggysack
#37 My Wife Teaches Grade 3, This Was Not The Answer She Was Expecting
Image credits: cryonova
#38 Friend’s 9-Year-Old Nephew Was Asked To Show His Work Or To Describe How He Got His Answer. His Reply: “Just Use My Brain” And Drew This To Show His Work
Image credits: Indigo2015
#39 I Was Marking My Students' Tests And One Did This
Image credits: HouseHoldSheep
#40 My Fourth Grader's Math Homework. She Said, "This Way I Didn't Even Need To Think About It"
Image credits: niceish1
#41 Well It Didn't Say It Had To Be Analog
Image credits: gunnybikes
#42 The Teacher Gave Me 200% For This
Image credits: _Xuno_
#43 My 7th Grade Chemistry Exam Answers
Image credits: drakeflaem
#44 My Sister Is A Teacher, Year 1 Kid's Answers
Image credits: omathews8
#45 My Kindergarten Teaching Experience In A Nutshell
Image credits: LaPagina
#46 My Nephew Has Some Things Figured Out
Image credits: dpotter05
#47 Math Problem Solved
Image credits: onlyshrey
#48 This Is Why Teachers Love To Teach Apparently
Image credits: SamanthaElley
#49 This Person Deserves A Scholarship
Image credits: PM_ME_YOUR_WISEAU
#50 The Kid Is Pretty Smart Though
Image credits: Mhlalela_J
#51 The Kid Is Smart
Image credits: Hacka4771
#52 Godzilla Let Washington Down
Image credits: Brielle-_-
#53 Astronomy
Image credits: code_ex_nihilo
#54 My Son Came Home With This. Looks Correct To Me
Image credits: IwantTobeAbear
#55 My Six-Year-Old Son Got A Note Sent Home From His Teacher Yesterday
Image credits: nerge
#56 I Have A Feeling Someone Got A Hold Of The Answer Key
Image credits: wetbandit48
#57 My Chem Lab Professor Accepted My Answer
Image credits: carrottmuncher
#58 Reason Why My Little Brother Failed In School
Image credits: neerajanchan
#59 Friend Of Mine's Math Teacher Responds To A Doodle He Drew On His Test
Image credits: dubblechrisp
#60 Name The Flag
Image credits: NapalaGruzu
#61 3rd Grade - New Math
Image credits: chesnutnomiddlet
#62 What Is Mass? My Nephew's Response To An Online Exam Question. My Family Is Catholic
Image credits: Suckmesideways777
#63 I'm Marking The Exam Papers. These Answers Keep Me Going
An answer: Fishing using physic powers. Physic + Fishing = Phishing
Image credits: Trevsweb
#64 They Were Almost Right
Image credits: bobocalender
#65 Passed My PhD Exam Today
Image credits: oozabooza
#66 My Sister Is A Kindergarten Teacher And Got This Back From A Student
Image credits: garbazobean
#67 This Kid Gets It
Image credits: Carlamon_ster
#68 My Daughter Asked Me To Check Over Her Homework. She's 7. I've Never Been Prouder
Image credits: frinkhutz
#69 Little Sister's Homework
Image credits: Alexis_Eames
#70 Friend's Kid's Homework. I Think He Gave A Good Answer. Pennies Suck
Image credits: rerational
#71 My Younger Brother's Answers For His Health Assignment
Image credits: Batmansappendix
#72 My Kid's Teacher Is Apparently Okay With His Wild Answers On Spelling Tests
Image credits: slivovitz283
#73 We Asked Our Biology Teacher For The Funniest Answer Someone Has Put On A Test, We Were Not Disappointed
"I have to be honest with you. I didn't go over this problem last night and didn't pay attention to it in class yesterday. I do not care about this, I don't even like science. But I do like you and I don't want this to ruin our friendship. Since I do not know this, I have a question for you. I just started texting this girl and I know she thinks I'm cute but I don't really know how to start a conversation with so I was wondering if you have any ideas. Well that's all for now Mr. J but we will keep in touch."
"Impress her by talking about how atmospheric nitrogen can be used to age artifacts. Works for me every time. Mr. J"
Image credits: DRoss09
#74 9-Year-Old Student With Some Standardized Test Sass
#75 My Girlfriend Just Sent Me This From Her Physics Test
Image credits: dman7456
#76 My Little Sister Wrote This On Her Math Test
Image credits: Jukethebox
#77 Give This Kid A Medal
Image credits: pcbetarace
#78 That Is Not A Very Nice Answer
Image credits: ub3rb3ck
#79 My Dad Just Texted Me This. Student Submitted This For His Final
Image credits: Drachte
#80 One Of My Biology Students Gave This As An Answer On His Test
Image credits: n3hemiah
#81 My Kid's Answer On Her Math Test
Kid's answer: It is ham and cheese. I don't like it
Image credits: checkyourguns
#82 My Friend's Kid Is Pretty Smart
Image credits: imgur.com
#83 You're Not Wrong
Image credits: RuggedlyHandsome
#84 My Little Sister's Homework Assignment. At Least She's Honest
Image credits: rcv27
#85 Grading 2nd Grade Math Homework
Image credits: iHearYouLike
#86 Homework Question Response From A 7-8 Year-Old
Image credits: LucinaWinsTheBattle
#87 A Kid Asked If The Dinosaurs Can Poop
Image credits: WarthogIll5416
#88 Not Knowing The Answer On A Science Test
Image credits: imnotafgtranny
#89 Stupid Maths Exam Question, With A Great Answer
Image credits: CLINKCLONK76
#90 Some Of My Mom's Former Students' Answers I Found Funny While Throwing Away
Image credits: Just_YourAverageMeme
#91 My Teacher's Too Smart, Guys
Image credits: DuckCrimes
#92 Poor Tony
Image credits: Eric Pazdziora
#93 My Little Brother Aced His Math Test
Image credits: 0utlaw_Torn
#94 From My Grade 6 Science Test, I Think The Marking Was Unfair
Image credits: nrocpop49
#95 Technically Not Wrong
Image credits: drRJ21
#96 Answer To The Last Question On A Math Exam
"K is the shorthand of 'okay' most commonly used by people who are in a rush whilst texting."
Image credits: Cressica
#97 I Think Third Grade Math Is Boring For My Son
Image credits: flaggfox
#98 My 10-Year-Old Daughter’s Science Test
Image credits: WetWookie1988
#99 3rd Grade Homework
Image credits: jacksonPollack
#100 I Saw This In A Video And Noticed I Did It 2 Years Ago When I Was 11. That’s My Test
Image credits: artsyg0rl
#101 My Test Answer Oh My God
Image credits: scoobymcpoopers
#102 I Was Grading Assignments When I Saw This. The Answer Is 0.007 Kg
Image credits: duey_rando
#103 Wrote A Note To My Teacher On A Test I Failed. Her Response
Image credits: Im_Not_Juan_Martinez
#104 My Student Thought The Tests Logic Was Off
Image credits: JoeMamma45
#105 The Answer My Friend Wrote In Her Test
Image credits: King_Kestrel
#106 From The Book “The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers”
Image credits: hahnzyy
#107 Beginner English Writing Exam 1
Image credits: cocktailmuffins
#108 Me During My Math Exam Today
Image credits: jam5354
#109 My Friend Recently Got His Health Exam Back
It said: "The name and the pronunciation."
Image credits: jigjamz
#110 I’ve Been Waiting For Years To Make This Joke, Got Opportunity On A Math Assignment
Image credits: Extension_Source6845
#111 He's Not Wrong
Image credits: Ventl8u
#112 The Best Test Answer From A 9-Year-Old I've Ever Got (Had To Give Them The Point)
Image credits: Alexis2552
#113 My Aunt Is A Teacher At A School Full Of Kids With Behavioral Issues, Personally I Think They Are Going Places
Image credits: CapN_Froad
#114 First Graders Get It
Image credits: carrot-melon